• Muscallonge


Ability: Intermediate to Advanced
Depth: 100'
Built: 1896
Sunk: August 15, 1936

Starting from

Availability: Contact us for booking information

The "Muskie" at 128' length was the largest tug on the river at that time. She had left Montreal heading for Port Credit so she was carrying extra fuel for the trip. In tow was the barge Bruce Hudson loaded with crude oil and the safety tug the Ajax. 

Shortly after midnight fire was discovered in her boiler room and quickly spread. Attempt to contact the ferry to transport the Brockville pumper truck failed. Captain Ahearn then cut loose the barge and sped towards shore. The Ajax chased the Muskie and was able to take the crew off the burning ship to safety. As the flames continued to soar she had burned to the water line. At 5:30 the fire had reached her fuel tanks and exploded sending flames 80 feet into the air. The shock practically obliterated her hull and she broke in two as the bow settled into 90 feet of water. 

She sits at around 95' in a medium to good current just East of Downtown Brockville. Perrywinkles cover the downstream clay base and has become one of the most popular sites for the local fish population. There is still lots to see such as the boiler, winches, the engine and various other ships parts. 

Recent discovery by SOS have located the propeller and rudder of the muskie resting in the main shipping lane, thus making it too dangerous to dive. It is hoped that their work will eventually bring these parts back to the bow so future divers will be able to see them safely.

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